These guidelines may be utilized when there is a health pandemic as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), such as COVID-19, H1N1, Swine Flu. 

Based on recommendation from the CDC, Champlain is requiring individuals with influenza-like illness remain in self isolation for up to 14 days.

In order to protect the health of the Champlain community and limit the spread of the virus, students, staff, or faculty who have done any of the following will be required to self-isolate for 14 days after their trip or last contact with a potentially infected person:

  • Traveled to a county with a Level 3 advisory. ((“Warning Level 3” advisories are issued by the CDC for locations where there is widespread community transmission of a particular disease and to which non-essential travel should be avoided.)
  • Been in close contact with a person who is suspected to be infected with or tested positive for COVID-19

Any person who develops symptoms at any point, whether or not they have traveled recently, should contact their health care provider. If COVID-19 is suspected, they should self-isolate for 14 days if they live or work on campus or if suggested by their health care provider.

Any person returning to Vermont from a Level 3 country should also call the Vermont Department of Health at 802-863-7240 so they can follow up with you and monitor your symptoms.

In addition, faculty and staff who appear to have flu-like symptoms, whether or not they have been abroad, are required to self-isolate and talk with a health care provider about whether they have COVID-19, how to receive appropriate treatment, and actions to take if they experience severe symptoms.  

Sick Leave During a Health Pandemic

Employees who do not work due to an influenza-like illness during the current health pandemic will first use their accrued sick time. Employees will be paid for the time they are sick which could include the required isolation period of up to 14 days. 

Faculty and staff who have had close contact with individuals with an influenza-like illness are encouraged to follow “social distancing” practices, or, if feasible, make alternative work arrangements. (See definitions below.)


Close contacts are defined as persons within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) or within the room or care area of a confirmed or probable novel influenza-like illness case patient for a prolonged period of time, or with direct contact with infectious secretions while the case patient was likely to be infectious (beginning 1 day prior to illness onset and continuing until resolution of illness). —Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Social distancing is a public health safety intervention used to reduce the likelihood of transmitting communicable disease. Social distancing involves minimizing exposure to infected individuals by avoiding large public gathering venues, adhering to spacing requirements in the workplace, and following proper personal hygiene practices.  —University of Chicago