Faculty & Academic Staff Briefing #26

Dear Faculty and Academic Staff:

This brief includes:

  • Reminder: Incomplete Grade Process Spring 2020
  • Reminder: S/U/F Grading Policy Spring 2020
  • Recent Student Communications: Residential Student Update
  • Image of the day:  The Lord Brothers


We encourage faculty to work with their students as much as possible to complete their coursework by the end of the term. That said, we also understand that there may be circumstances where a request for an incomplete grade is warranted. For Spring 2020, the requirement to provide official medical documentation has been waived for students requesting an incomplete grade due to medical reasons. 

If a student requests an incomplete, the faculty member must work with the student to define a plan for the student to complete the work. The faculty member must also request approval from the dean.  Once this has been done, faculty can use this incomplete grade request email template to document the student request and coursework completion plan with the Registrar’s Office.  Students do not need to submit the PDF form; this email will suffice as documentation.  

Reminder: The deadline to request an Incomplete Grade is Wednesday, April 29.  The deadline to request SUF grades, if your student is also considering this option, is Friday, May 1.  


Here are some important reminders:

  • Faculty will report letter (A-F)  grades for all students as usual. Final grades are due Sunday, May 3rd at midnight.
  • Students have until May 1, 2020, to request S/U/F grades through this form which is submitted directly to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Students may elect to have all or some of their course grades converted.
  • If a student requests a S/U/F grade, they will be converted by the Registrar’s Office after final letter grades are submitted by the faculty.

The S/U/F request form is available on the Compass Student Services Forms web page and also prominently featured on the homepage of ChampHub.  Students will receive their third reminder about this option through a ChampHub announcement this afternoon.  Faculty can find more information about the Spring 2020 S/U/F grading policy and student FAQ’s at these Compass web pages.



Ongoing communication and resources for Faculty and Staff are posted on The View; the most recent posts are listed here for easy access.  Finally, all Faculty Daily Briefing emails are stored here and also hosted on The View.

NEW: Incomplete Grade Request Email Template
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CLT: One-on-One Support
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